
Joel RL Phelps is from Billings, MT, and currently resides in Vancouver, BC. He came to be known by a moderately-sized but extremely fanatical group of fans throughout the world as a founder and member of the group Silkworm.  Phelps left the group in 1994 (this is all detailed in the 2013 documentary film COULDN'T YOU WAIT? THE STORY OF SILKWORM) and started his own group, later to be known as The Downer Trio.  The Downer Trio feature bassist Robert Mercer, currently fronting the Seattle band Zebra Hunt, and drummer William Herzog, a participant in the ensemble Sunn O))), Ensemble Pearl, upright bassist on the Rose Windows record, longtime member of Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter, and once a member Neko Case's band, et cetera. All musicians with a similar minimal sensibility who make the music really work. With four albums, two EPs and two singles and some compilation appearances to their collective credit, the group has assembled an accomplished and formidable body of work. In 2004 Joel disappeared from the radar. In late 2012, Joel started to surface again with new demo tracks. This in turn led to solo - then Downer Trio - performances and a new record.