
2nd album of minimal lo-fi indie rock band Yucca.
"Yucca, in the first place, it all just started out from my fantasy, imagining about a band that has everything that I wanted to hear, a band with every element that I liked in music. Even though I have the love for many many kinds of bands, I often thought about how I might like them even better if they had something more, or less to it. What if there was a band that plays a bunch of instrumental tunes with a catchy hook to it, and its only like 3 minutes long so it doesn't take too much time nor too much concentration to listen to, and you can dance to it as well. Or, if all the tunes were vocal-less, you might get bored of all that, so there could be some tunes with songs and lyrics. But if the songs were too much song oriented with emotional lines and everything, you might get over fed so it would be better if it was a boy-girl duet with a floating and swerling in the air kind of touch to it, with some noisy sound decoration added on the top, maybe. And the tunes could use a bit of loose touch to it because it's not so entertaining when everything is too uptight. It could go on and on, but just what if, there was a band like that. A band that plays great music that is a little bit weird, you can laugh to, and be a bit sentimental at the same time. So that was my fantasy that made us start our band, and ever since, we kept on playing as we felt to play without even having a slightest thought about selling out or anything. So we went on, and we eventually recorded and released our first album "laboratory products" in Nov 2005. Only 8 months later we released this album "the orange sun in my room," and rather than the controversy of what has changed or what hasn't from the one we did before, I believe its just another honest and right-to-the-point record of what our band Yucca is all about. ."(2nd album"the orange sun in my room"self linernotes text:Yusaku Enomoto(Yucca))

"そもそもYuccaってバンド。ドラえもんの『もしもボックス』ドリフの『もしもシリーズ』のようなバンドだ。大好きなバンドはいろいろいるけど、いくら好きなバンドでももっとこうだったらなーと思うことがよくある。もしも、いろんな音楽の好きなところばっかりを集めたこんなバンドいたら。とっつきやすいポップなインストで、3分くらいのつるっと聴ける感じで、踊れて、インストばっかじゃ退屈だからたまに歌も入ってて、歌っていっても歌い上げられたら重いのでふわふわした男女ボーカルで、しゃれた感じがいいんだけどそれだけだと物足りないのでノイズも入ってたりして、カチッとしてるとつまんないので少々ルーズで、楽しくて、おもしろくて、ちょっとせつない、そんなバンドいたらなー・・・。という空想からYuccaは生まれたというわけ。以来何の色気も見せずにひたすら勝手気ままに活動を続け、 2005年11月にその記録である1stアルバム『laboratory products』をリリース。そして前作からわずか8ヶ月で本作『the orange sun in my room』をリリースするわけだが、本作も前作に比べてどうなったとかそういうこともなく今回もありのままのYuccaをパッケージしたものになったと思う。・・(以下、省略)" 2nd album"the orange sun in my room"セルフライナーノーツより

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